My name is Lorenzo Clementi, I'm 42 years old and I live in Ticino (Switzerland).
I grew up between Capriasca and Lugano. As a boy I spent my summers in Olivone (Rivöi), in the Blenio Valley, which is still my starting point for many adventures in the mountains.
I work at MeteoSwiss in Locarno-Monti: our team is responsible for the Swiss weather radar network and are in charge of processing satellite and lightning data. In 2008 I completed my studies in computer science (major) and geography at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland).
I like open air sports, especially in the mountains: I regularly practice some trail running (#running), easy mountaineering (#montagna) and cycling (#cycling) in summer, ski touring in winter (#skimo). I like traveling and I'm very fond of open-source software development. In 2003 I established the page that since 2006 has become a blog where I post mostly reports about excursions in the mountains of Ticino. Some of my pictures can be found on, on Instagram or in the blog's posts.
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Da Bosco Gurin alla Val Bedretto, via Basodino
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