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sosto.net blog - montagne del ticino

2014 sport stats

2014 has come to an end and here is the usual summary of my sport activities during the year. Please refer to the older posts for additional information:
2012 sport stats
2013 sport stats

The colour coding in the plots represents the type of activity:
blue: street running, trail running, running races, hiking; basically everything on foot except hiit
violet (diamonds): high-intensity interval trainings (hiit, see below)
red: ski-mountaineering and snow shoes
green: mixed activities, typically mountain-bike and running
brown: mountain-bike

2014 summary

In 2014 I completed 132 sport activities, covering a horizontal distance of approximately 1040km and 71km of positive elevation gain. These numbers are almost identical to last years. The most "elevation intense" months were May, June and October, where I climbed more than 7000m per month.
Like in the previous years, I covered approximately an additional 1200km for commuting by bike (bike-to-work). These cycling kilometers are not taken into account in the plots and in the numbers shown in this post.

2014 sport stats

Figure 1 - Activity type and duration. Blue is for running, trekking, walking, and so on; violet diamonds are for hiit; red is for ski-mountaineering; green is for mixed activities (mtb + running) and brown is for cycling

High-intensity interval training

The main difference with respect to my training schedule in the previous years was the introduction of a weekly high-intensity interval training session between January and May (violet diamonds in Figure 1). These hiit sessions were spontaneous and unscientifically planned and, probably, they were also too few in order to give visible results in my performances.

2014 sport stats

Figure 2 - Elevation gain against distance covered

2014 highlights

Apart from the numbers, last year I was lucky enough to spend some great experiences outdoor and I would like to thank my wife Wendy that made it possible by allowing me to spend a lot of time running up and down the mountains and tolerating my alarm clock going off in the middle of the night even at week-ends. Among many activities, 2014 was marked by the Lugano e Capriasca scenic trail and the Via alta della Val Carassina in the first part of the season. In summer two special moments were the ascent of Mt Vrachionas and the Pizzo Campo Tencia from Locarno. There are of course many more beautiful moments that I spent outside in the mountains in 2014, either with friends or alone: those moments are what really matters to me, way more than the numbers shown in these plots.

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Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7

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