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sosto.net blog - montagne del ticino

2012 sport stats

Everything started by chance on Christmas day 2011, when my brother gave me a Moleskine agenda for 2012: since I already had one for work, at first I didn't know what to use it for. After some time, I decided to use it to keep a log of my trainings or, more generally, of my sport activities. One year has elapsed and now I have quite a bit of data about my 2012 activities: what better gift can I get than some interesting data to be analysed? :-)

A few general remarks:

1. My log was not always precise: sometimes I haven't written the activity duration or the distance. Other times I omitted both of them. The data that follows has therefore sometimes been interpolated to my best knowledge. In particular, most of the distance data are rough estimations computed on mapplus.ch.

2. The colour coding of the plots is as follows: red for ski mountaineering, blue for running (street, trail run, races and even hiking, everything is included) and green for mixed activites (just two activites where I combined mountain bike and running/walking: Denti della Vecchia and Adula).

3. These stats include four activites that took place in 2011 (from 26th until 31st December 2011).

4. All the calculation and the plots have been done with R. Attached to this post you find a zip file with the input data in csv format as well as the R script that I wrote.

5. All plots are available in larger size at the bottom of the post.

6. This is just for fun. Don't take it too seriously and don't use it as a scientific base for your physical training. Comments and remarks are welcome!

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Figure 1 - Activities duration in hours.

2012 facts & figures
During 2012 I did 94 activities, counting running, hiking, ski mountaineering and mixed activites all together. The average duration of an activity was of approximately 2 hours and I have to admit that I'm quite surprised by this figure, I thought it would be much less (...did I make a mistake somewhere?). The average positive elevation difference for one single activity is of 488 meters for a distance of 11.6 kilometers.
For what concerns the totals, last year I covered 1088 km with a total positive elevation difference of 45923 m. In addition, I did another 1000 km by bike when commuting for work (which corresponds to approximately 90 times, note that this data does not appear in these plots).

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Figure 2 - Positive elevation difference.

Figure 1 shows that ski mountaineering and mixed activities tend to last longer than running, which is obvious, since they usually are whole day activities, while a running training can be as short as half an hour. Figure 2 shows that "flat trainings" are quite rare as well as "elevation intensive" activities: I did more than 2000m positive elevation difference in one day only three times.

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Figure 3 - Positive elevation difference against distance covered.

As can be seen on Figure 3, ski mountaineering seems to be more elevation effective than running. This of course depends a lot on the type of terrain. Mixed activites, on the other hand, allow to cover larger distances (thanks to the mountain bike contribution).

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Figure 4 - Positive elevation difference against activity duration.

The last plot, Figure 4, shows a quite nice correlation between the duration of the training and the positive elevation difference (correlation coefficient = 0.93).

The outlier: Semi Trail Ticino
A very prominent outlier is visible in all the previous plots, a blue spot that is always far away from the rest of the world. This corresponds to the Semi Trail Ticino, the trail run competition in which I took part at the beginning of August. Quite surprisingly, I was able to complete the 56km/4100m path despite a rather low amount of elevation difference accumulated up to that moment: a big role in this achievement has been played by the mental aspect, the desire to complete this very nice challenge.

A brand new agenda for 2013 is waiting to be filled with numbers... it's time to shut down the computer, go out and run.

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duration height height distance height duration

matte        [domenica 13 gennaio 2013, 12:22]

Bravo Clem, con tutto questo allenamento sei pronto per il Trail del Lario, mi han detto che é bello :-D

Cmq dopo febbraio non hai mai fatto pelli l'anno scorso?

clem        [domenica 13 gennaio 2013, 18:39]

Uei Matte! Sono prontissimo per il Trail del Lario, sai il trucco è un po' correre, un po' camminare, così non usi sempre gli stessi muscoli!! :-D
Arguta osservazione: no, a quanto pare dopo febbraio niente più pelli l'anno scorso. Ma è anche possibile che una qualche gita sia sfuggita ai miei log...

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