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sosto.net blog - montagne del ticino
sosto.net blog - montagne del ticino

InfoVIZ and TRP 2

During the last semester, I attended a seminar on Information Visualization, proposed by the DIVA Research Group at the University of Fribourg.

Every student had to hand back a short paper summarizing the subject he was assigned and do a presentation of 15 minutes. Here is the link to the seminar's page, where more information can be found. I was assigned the Focus and Context subject: in the attachement to this post you'll find a .zip file containing the paper I wrote and the corresponding OpenOffice presentation.

During the third year of Geography, my secondary subject, I had to write a small research as a Travail de Recherche Personnelle II (TRP 2). The subject I choose concerns the local planning related to mobility issues, in the municipality of Massagno (Ticino). Here is the link to the TRP 2 (pdf). Note that - in this work - the stress is placed on the methodology rather than on the content. Further information on the works currently in progress at the railway station in Lugano, can be found here.

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